Introduction to Depth Psychology: Symptoms and Soul (August 2023)

from $35.00

Wednesday, August 23rd 10-11am MST

Online via Zoom

In this introductory class on Depth Psychology: Symptoms and Soul, we will explore the fundamental principles and concepts of depth psychology. This class aims to provide a deeper understanding of the unconscious -- what it is and its influence on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors-- and the role of symptoms along our life journeys.

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Wednesday, August 23rd 10-11am MST

Online via Zoom

In this introductory class on Depth Psychology: Symptoms and Soul, we will explore the fundamental principles and concepts of depth psychology. This class aims to provide a deeper understanding of the unconscious -- what it is and its influence on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors-- and the role of symptoms along our life journeys.

Wednesday, August 23rd 10-11am MST

Online via Zoom

In this introductory class on Depth Psychology: Symptoms and Soul, we will explore the fundamental principles and concepts of depth psychology. This class aims to provide a deeper understanding of the unconscious -- what it is and its influence on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors-- and the role of symptoms along our life journeys.

Here is an overview of the topics that will be covered:

  1. The Unconscious and the Underworld:

    1. Differentiating between the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche and how the unconscious guides vocation, soul-level callings, and life purpose

  2. Depth Psychology vs. Behavioral Psychology:

    1. Contrasting the mainstream approach of behavioral psychology with a depth psychological perspective

    2. Behavioral psychology is focused on symptom reduction and coping; Depth psychology is on soul, meaning, and transformation

  3. The Numinous Quality of Experience:

    1. Embracing the numinous quality of the unseen and unexplainable through intuition, dreams, somatic experience and the centrality of spiritual experience in depth psychology

  4. Enantiodromia and Psychological Change:

    1. Exploring the concept of enantiodromia, where extreme experiences lead to a swing to the opposite pole

    2. Exploring how psychological change occurs through the integration of opposing aspects of the psyche

  5. The role of the Daimon:

    1. Interpreting Heraclitus's idea of the daimon and its connection to the unconscious

  6. The Split of Mind and Body:

    1. Examining Descartes' influence on the mind-body dualism and its impact on the development of psychology

    2. Reflecting on the potential damage caused by the perpetuation of the mind-body split in Western intellectual tradition

  7. Symptoms as Soul:

    1. Depth psychology recognizes that symptoms are not merely isolated occurrences, but manifestations of the soul's inner conflicts and unconscious processes. It delves into the underlying meaning and symbolism of symptoms, seeking to understand their connection to the individual's psyche and life experiences. By exploring the depths of the unconscious, depth psychology offers a holistic approach to healing and transformation, addressing both the symptoms and the soul's longing for wholeness.